I saw this suggestion the other day for people who don’t have a safe location to hide their seed phrase. You can obfuscate your seed phrase from prying eyes by embedding it inside a cross-word puzzle.
Use one of the many cross-word puzzle generators online (choose ones that generate the puzzles within the browser only) like https://www.puzzlefast.com/ and input your seed phrase and make up your own word hints (e.g. “fish” = “Aquatic gill-bearing animals that lack limbs with digits.”). You can intentionally mix up the words as you enter them, because the cross-word generator will mix them up anyways. You can also leave out the last word which is a checksum and write that out by hand if you don’t trust the website.
After you print it out, you will have to write down the order of the words on it because the order is not preserved. But a series of random numbers won’t look suspicious on the sheet of paper.
When you print them out, you will only get the hints and not the actual words. When you need it, you will need to solve the cross-word puzzle.