Today the second biggest cryptocurrency – Ethereum – celebrates its 7th birthday. What did those years look like?
Price-wise, Ethereum grew A LOT. From its all-time-low in 2015 of $0.432979 to its all-time-high of $4878 in 2021.
Technology-wise, Ethereum has pioneered the concept of a blockchain smart contract platform and built a strong foundation for many new projects.
Ethereum’s DeFi scene is the biggest one out there, with successful DApps bringing more awareness to the platform over the years. And let’s not forget artists that make millions of dollars by bringing their work to the blockchain via NFTs.
Fun fact, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, says that the project is now only 40% complete.
At the Ethereum Community Conference in Paris, he compared the network to its longtime rival, stating that “the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is that Bitcoiners consider Bitcoin to be 80% complete, but Ethereans consider Ethereum to be 40% complete.” And that Ethereum will reach 55% after a long-awaited merge, where it will shift from proof of work to proof of stake.
We wish them a successful merge and can’t wait to see the full potential of ETH!