GasHawk has been operational for a little over 2 months now, and in that time it has managed to help 450 Tx save an average of 41% on their gas fees.
This is a considerable savings percentage, especially when you consider that Ethereum gas prices have been low over the past few months. If you’re not familiar with GasHawk, it’s a system that allows you to queue up signed transactions and then forwards them to the mempool once gas fees are low.
Overall, GasHawk has been a success since its launch, and I’m optimistic that it will continue to help users save money in the future.
Added info to avoid misunderstandings:
Why is this better than setting a low max gas price manually?
When setting manually you have no way of knowing what the best trade-off between waiting time and your savings are. In GasHawk you just set a deadline, e.g. 10 hours.
When you set the gas in MetaMask to a low amount you will never get a cheaper TX than the amount you set – even if the gas goes way cheaper right afterwards. Your TX is mined as soon as the block gas price reaches your max gas value.
GasHawk anticipates what happens even afterwards and only sends the TX out when gas is at the minimum – undercutting the gas price you set in MetaMask.