A beginner-friendly guide to understanding blockchain’s two key systems with relatable examples and practical insights.

Unbeknownst to you, Bitcoin mining consumes more electricity each year than nations like Argentina. Aren’t you shocked by that?
I was interested in this information when I initially started studying blockchain. How could something so inventive use so many resources?
It reminded me of cricket matches during summer in India — when the power would go out because of the overload from everyone running their coolers and TVs simultaneously.
The analogy might not be perfect, but it made me wonder: Is there a better way to power blockchain without “tripping the grid”?
That’s where Proof of Stake (PoS) enters the picture.
To understand PoW, think of a cricket team trying to win by pure force. When each player bats, bowls, and fields, they are all giving it their all in the hopes of winning the game.