Breaking down misconceptions to understand the tech that’s shaping our future.

A few years ago, I was at a dinner party sitting next to someone who casually mentioned that they’d “invested in blockchain.” It piqued my interest, and I inquired as to its meaning. Their answer? “Oh, you know, Bitcoin and whatnot.” It was evident they didn’t truly comprehend blockchain itself but were convinced it was the next big thing. And honestly? I didn’t either at the time.
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Since then, I’ve put in hours investigating blockchain technology itself, stripping away jargon and hype. What I discovered from this experience is although blockchain technology is revolutionary, most of us have still stuck to a poor perception of it, which is not true at all.
Let’s dispel five myths about blockchain — and why it’s time to move on from them.
If you’ve heard someone say, “I’m investing in a blockchain,” they’re probably confusing blockchain with Bitcoin. If the Internet can be compared to a foundation, blockchain technology is one of its applications, and…