I am mainly a Cardano holder (I own Ethereum and other various cryptos as well) for various reasons but I wanted to point out that I am impressed by the maturity of the sub and overall optimism.
I come in peace too by the way.
A lot of subs are communicating and half of the conversations center around the sky falling and things related to the market. I just wanted to say kudos to the community for staying focused around the technology, implementations, and at least from what I am seeing positivity.
With the Cardano community we have also tried to stay focused around these concepts but as we get many new players sometimes we have this looming.
I just wanted to drop by and say kudos to the community. I am hoping for nothing but success with the Ethereum implementations and upgrades in the future. I think healthy competition is good.
I am hoping in the future maybe the communities can see less tribalism and have the same competitive drive to beat out each other without making it personal. Keep up the good work.